Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bertram Turnbull

A placid, solid man, heavily built with a wide face, Bertram Turnibull wears dark, sombre clothing of quality manufacture, hinting at a level of affluence above most of the locals. He is a lawyer, a merchant of sorts and some kind of financial supporter of The Arrow Theatre. He is seldom seen locally as he lives a busy life, but has been known to frequent The Red Fox on occaision. To the locals he is a respectable, but anonymous face, usually associated with the upper levels of society. Amongst the acting fraternity he is usually described as being a frightful bore, a dullard and a tiresome accountant.

Bertram Turnibull is married to the mysterious Odette Turnibull who was a renown actress until she lost her left leg in a boisterous performance of 'The Lovers of Lady Archmole'.


  1. Sounds like an interesting play and performance, if it is still done like that I, Rufus Carraresi de Castelopea wants to see it.

  2. There is still a reward out for the leg
