Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chronology of events

Updates to the chronology can be found in the pages menu at the top of the page

31st Mae. 1623
. The Battle of Gripen. Pretender to the throne of Takshendal; Baron Bohemond Dashfern is killed by Sir Adley De Ives. Misteline witnesses the battle.
2nd Jún. 1623. Misteline is commissioned by Sir Adley De Ives to paint his victory at the Battle of Gripen.
7th Jún. 1623. Niccoló Sigismundo surrenders at Overmore castle.
13th Augusta. 1623. Misteline finishes a study in oils of Sir Adley De Ives holding aloft the head of Sir Bohemond Dashfern. The painting is quickly purchased by Sir Adley De Ives.
25th Septemus. 1623. The last rebels are defeated at Keresfan by Sir Roger Flor.
21st Aprila. 1624. The Death of Grand Arch Duke Ranulph Jarvis Underhock, fourth Arch-duke of the City of Takshendal.
23rd Aprila. 1624. Thirty six Aprican mercenaries storm the Citadel and kill several high standing city officials and numerous Militia Guards. Captain Leander Quartermoon retakes the Citadel several hours later. All the mercenaries are killed. The reason for the attack is unclear but appears to be an ill-begotten attempt at gaining control of Takshendal.
31st Mae. 1624. The Coronation of King Phelonius I.
1st Jún. 1624. In recognition of his having rescued Phelonius Grambeline, Drake is made Knight of Saffron Hall with 200 Acres of land, grazing rights in the Marches and the right to equip twenty men-at-arms. Henceforth he is known as Sir Drake Saffron.
8th Jula. 1624. Misteline finishes Sir Adley De Ives commision for his victory at the Battle of Gripen. The finished work is a large oil on canvas vista of the battle at its height with Sir Adley at the fore. The painting is hung in the Cathedral for one year for public viewing.
14th Jula. 1624. Misteline is commissioned to build an equestrian statue of the King trampling the Dragon of Halkyn Mire underfoot. The statue is to be at least twice the size of Misteline’s previous great equestrian statue; that of Alesandrox Wormpole. Misteline accepts the commision but warns such an undertaken will take time and a bronze statue of such proportions may not even be possible. He begins work on sketches at once.
12th Septembre. 1624. Anton Fouquet purchases the Friars Gate Property then moves from his previous home, a town house on Sparrow Hawk Street, into the Friars Gate gatehouse tower.
9th Marts. 1625. Late in the evening (roughly 23:30) Molly Cutlerstub is burned to death.


  1. I am wondering... what about Drake's heirs? Who will father them? Silas?

    Rufus would, but he is a bit... Castelopean, whereas Drake is not.

  2. I think we can leave that undefined until / unless it becomes necessary, seeing as how Drake is Tracey's character.

  3. Presumably Drake will father his own heirs.
